Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First blog post

The industry that I will plan on going into is media and communication after graduating school. Also, I will be continuing to build my grown business and my brand as a whole.
With this business degree I can choose for a lot of thing in this industry. But the media field is my calling to pursue. The hiring process is pretty straightforward when securing a job. I have to send my resume to different companies or different production managers. Also, I would hang out and network with my community that deals with my interest.

To run a successful business you always have to make sure the client is satisfied. The “professional network” is the phrases carrier that can make or break your business. Also, in this Industry everyone knows everybody in this industry. I believe that your professional network should be your first priority as a business owner. Most people take years to build their professional network.

I think if the professional comes up with a video spot or send their information out to networking sites such as, “Face book, MySpace, and Twitter. I believe that this will help professional to kick-start his or hers career. The professional can also go out to different networking parties to get recognized. Now, with the film industry a lot of companies use the networking sites to promote the company, and they also use the studios to put a lot of money behind the advertisements. “WIKIPEDIA, a giant online encyclopedia compiled by volunteers, is the product of the aggregation of lots of people’s spare time. An example of “crowd sourcing”, it demonstrates that on the Internet, as in the real world, many hands make light work. Can the same approach be applied to money as well as time? That is the idea behind “crowd funding”, in which lots of small contributions are aggregated online to support artistic or creative ventures”(The Economist, 2010). In digital media world there are a lot of tools that you can use to make things happen. And when it comes down to the professional networking the company has to make it work.

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